Team at Bethlehem Baptist Church 

Tim Harvey

Senior Pastor
MDiv Southern Seminary

Pastor Tim grew up in Clay, KY and earned a Bachelor’s degree from Campbellsville University. He later graduated from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity. He began at Bethlehem as the worship leader and has pastored the church since September 2015. He and his wife, Ashley, have two children Ezra and Rowan. Adam and Tim also host a weekly podcast called The PACT.

Adam Rogers

Associate Pastor of Family Ministry

MDiv Southern Seminary

As the Associate Pastor of Family Ministry, I understand my role to be that of an equipper of students, parents, and the whole church family for living the Christian life together with a distinctly biblical worldview for the glory and enjoyment of God. I really enjoy backpacking, books, great coffee, and lounging around with my four favorite people, my beautiful wife, Kara, and three kiddos, Haddon, Eleanor, and Carver. Adam and Tim also host a weekly podcast called The PACT.

Brandon Sickling

Pastor of Worship

MDiv Southern Seminary

As the Pastor of Worship, I see it as my primary goal to lead the church in the worship of our great God. In addition to my love for music, I have a deep interest in the study of Apologetics — the defense of the Christian faith. I enjoy reading, listening to podcasts, watching movies, and playing games in my spare time. I love spending time with my wife, Taylor and my children, Leah and Daniel.

McKenzie Bruer

Children’s Ministry Director

I oversee all of the ministries and activities for children ages birth through 5th grade and coordinate an amazing team of volunteers. I enjoy spending my time with my husband Jeremy, and our 3 sons Jackson, Jarren, and Jayden, and daughter Jerzie. I love being a mom and all that it brings.  I am so thankful and blessed that God has allowed me to serve our children here at BBC. 

Linda Lee

Church Secretary

Charlie Toon

Sound Engineer/Custodian

Our Deacons Are Here To Serve You:

These men all have different passions in helping serve the church. If you or your family has a need, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of them.

Glenn Reid


Jeff Davis

Roger Davis

Austin Hays

David Rambo

Mark Ray

Perry Ivey

John Matt Fourshee

Scotty Kelly

Need to contact us?

Call: 270-642-2320